Cloud, Technology for People and Companies

It all started with the American computer scientist John McCarthy, who sketched the initial concept of Cloud Computing in 1957. However, the technology began to be commercialized only from the year 2000.

Simply put, cloud computing allows remote access to software, file storage, and data processing over the internet. It’s an alternative for you to access important data from any computer, anywhere, anytime.

As an end customer, you certainly use a cloud technology, either directly or indirectly. Let’s imagine that the Cloud is literally “clouds” loaded with data that archive documents and WhatsApp conversation history or other applications. For example, the email you use probably has a server that “keeps” all the information in a remote and accessible way.

Looking at the Cloud as a product, in various markets, including finance, adopting and implementing this technology results in greater agility, flexibility, and scalability to deal with high volumes of business data. Forcibly, implementing it contributes to the breaking of technological barriers, such as outdated systems, cascading development, and transforms the business operation model.

If you want to evaluate how your company would act with data stored in the Cloud, contact us: we can help you with the strategy, working in a hybrid way or 100% in the cloud, depending on the processing demand of your business. Enjoy and check out this article on Performance Data Solutions that brings more information for you to delve into the topic

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