Bank Eliminates Turnover in IT Team

New hiring and onboarding processes instituted by act digital have improved the match between professional profiles and the company’s needs


The bank faced a high turnover rate among its IT professionals, caused by flaws in the hiring and onboarding process. The mismatch between candidates’ skills and the institution’s needs resulted in a constant need for replacement and retraining, negatively impacting the continuity and quality of deliverables.


act digital implemented a comprehensive strategy to resolve these issues, integrating technical qualification by experienced professionals into the Human Resources (HR) process. This included detailed technical assessments, close interdepartmental collaboration, leadership training, and continuous technical support, ensuring precise selection and efficient adaptation of new hires.


With the changes implemented, the bank eliminated turnover among IT professionals, improved the quality of deliverables, and increased customer satisfaction. Team stability was maintained, and the hiring and onboarding processes became more efficient, resulting in a more productive work environment.

Maintaining a qualified and stable IT team is essential to ensuring operational efficiency and continuity in companies. Building this team, starting with hiring and onboarding, is the first step to achieving consistent results. However, many companies still face challenges in this area, leading to high turnover rates, which directly affects the quality of deliverables and customer satisfaction.

In the financial sector, high personnel turnover is a serious issue that can compromise service stability and customer trust. One of the largest banks in Brazil, with over 80 years of history and a pioneer in technological innovation, sought the support of act digital to solve this challenge.

The lack of alignment between employee profiles and the institution’s specific needs generated a constant need for replacement and retraining, harming the continuity and efficiency of operations. act digital implemented a comprehensive strategy that integrates human resources and technical methodologies, promoting a more accurate assessment of candidates’ skills and greater collaboration between different departments.

Through this project, act digital managed to eliminate turnover in the bank’s IT team. This text details how these results were achieved.

Client: Financial Services, Innovation, and Sustainability

With over 80 years of history, the bank stands out for both its excellence in financial services and its capacity for technological innovation and commitment to sustainable practices. The institution was a pioneer in launching the first internet banking in Brazil and the first private satellite communication data network.

Adopting cutting-edge technologies such as fiber optics and laser, and introducing automated customer service systems, the company has consolidated its position as a leader in financial market innovation. Additionally, its commitment to environmental and social responsibility is aligned with its business model, ensuring growth that balances economic success with positive societal impact.

Challenge: High Turnover Among IT Professionals

The company faced difficulties related to the hiring and onboarding process for IT professionals, leading to high turnover. There was a need to promote a better match between employee profiles and the institution’s needs. This mismatch prevented professionals from performing their functions efficiently, resulting in a constant need for replacement and retraining.

Expected Objectives

- Reduce turnover: Establish a more robust and precise hiring process to ensure the admission of qualified professionals, reducing the need for replacements and maintaining team stability.

- Improve delivery quality: Ensure that hired employees possess the necessary technical skills to perform their functions efficiently, improving the quality of deliverables and customer satisfaction.

- Increase operational efficiency: Minimize the time and resources spent on retraining and replacing employees, allowing a greater focus on productive and strategic activities.

- Strengthen the culture of qualification: Promote an internal culture that values technical qualification and continuous employee development, integrating different areas of the company in a collaborative approach.

- Implement technical evaluation processes: Create auditable and clear processes for candidate technical evaluation, ensuring precise selection aligned with the company’s needs.

- Develop onboarding programs: Establish structured integration programs for new employees, facilitating their adaptation and performance from the start.

- Continuous training: Offer training and development opportunities for employees, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest technologies and methodologies.

Solution: Alignment of Hiring and Onboarding Processes

To address the challenges of hiring and onboarding new employees, act digital implemented a strategy focused on improving technical qualification and reducing turnover. Below are the main initiatives adopted to solve these challenges.

Integration of Human Resources with Technical Qualification

Previously, interviews conducted solely by Human Resources (HR) failed to correctly assess candidates’ technical skills. Therefore, qualification conducted by experienced professionals was introduced, complementing the HR process. This allowed for a more precise evaluation of candidates’ profiles, ensuring they were directed to roles compatible with their skills.

Interdepartmental Collaboration

Close collaboration was established between HR, Commercial, and the technical team to build intelligence in the search for the appropriate technical profile. This integration resulted in a better match between candidates’ skills and the client’s specific needs.

Leadership Training

Technical leaders were trained in new frameworks and technologies. This ensured a faster and more efficient adaptation of these professionals to the organization’s demands.

Continuous Technical Support

Technical support was implemented for professionals from other teams to maintain stability and continuity in deliverables. This helped avoid frequent replacements and reduced the learning curve for new employees.

Technologies Used

Angular 16: Used in the development of dynamic and responsive web applications.

Node 18: Used on the back-end to ensure scalability and efficiency in data processing.

Webpack 5: Adopted for the optimization and packaging of JavaScript modules, improving application performance.

Module Federation: Implemented to allow the integration and sharing of code between different applications in a modular and efficient manner.

Adopted Methodologies

Detailed technical evaluations: Conducting detailed technical evaluations to ensure candidates possessed the necessary skills.

Meetings and academic presentations: Promoting meetings and academic presentations to level the technical knowledge of the team.

Didactics and technical leveling: Applying a didactic approach to level the technologies used, ensuring that all employees were up-to-date with best practices.

Results: Zero Turnover and High-Quality Deliverables

The project brought consistent results for the bank, impacting fundamental issues for a financial institution. For example, personnel turnover is a problem in this area due to the need for important access permissions. However, the project managed to eliminate this problem, thanks to better alignment of processes, from selection to talent management in the team.

Reduction of Turnover

The implementation of these strategies resulted in zero turnover in the team, eliminating the need for frequent replacements and ensuring team stability.

Improvement in Delivery Quality

With technically qualified and well-directed professionals, the quality of services provided improved, with no fluctuations in deliverables.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction increased, as there were no longer complaints related to the learning curve or technical inadequacy of professionals.


The established processes ensured greater agility in hiring. Quickly, the selection, training, and availability of the necessary professional were carried out.

How We Can Help Your Company

Facing challenges in the hiring and onboarding process is a reality for many organizations. act digital adopts innovative strategies focused on organizational and cultural transformation. This way, it consolidates fundamental resources to promote more efficient and productive work environments. We identify the main pain points and needs of each client, and from this diagnosis, we structure a personalized digital solution aligned with the team’s specific demands. We use a set of innovative tools and methodologies to bring agility and efficiency to your business management. Check out the main ones.

- Lean-Agile Transformation: We implement agile practices that promote flexibility and quick adaptation to market changes, improving operational efficiency.

- Organizational Redesign: We redesign the organizational structure to optimize processes and resources, ensuring your company is prepared to face future challenges.

- Change Management: We manage change effectively, ensuring smooth transitions and that all employees are aligned with new objectives and methods.

- Business Agility: We promote business agility, integrating data and monitoring processes to ensure systems are always up-to-date and automated throughout the sales cycle.

Organizational and cultural transformation is one of act digital’s areas of expertise. If you also want to eliminate turnover in your company, talk to our specialists.

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