Clean Code Solution Aligns Data Generation and Transmission Processes
Coding Developed by act digital for Global Automotive Sector Holding
Coding Developed by act digital for Global Automotive Sector Holding
To standardize processes related to vehicle registration, consolidating efficient and integrated methods to transmit public information and generate statistical data.
act digital worked on the project with the aim of developing the coding of billing processes to enable the company’s system to recognize the origin of the registration (manufacturer) and generate and transmit the necessary data.
The implemented mechanism allows the company, a group that controls different automotive manufacturers, to adopt equivalent processes for the registration of vehicles from different brands, reducing inefficiency and rework in operations.
The merger and acquisition of companies have resulted in the formation of conglomerates, which need to undergo new productive arrangements to align processes and operations. This is the reality of an automotive multinational that hired act digital to improve efficiency in the vehicle registration stage.
The business group controls different car manufacturers, each with already consolidated operations. Thus, certain processes are carried out through different systems and processes. In practice, this means that the time and manner of executing activities are not always similar, highlighting the efficiency and complexity among the brands.
In this context, the company identified that in one of the manufacturers, the processing of billing and registration information was excessively slow. Inefficiency in this stage delays the sale of the brand’s chassis, something that does not occur with cars manufactured by other automakers, which already have more advanced systems to perform these tasks.
To standardize processes, the company would need to invest in the development of an integrated system capable of generating and transmitting registration data in an automated and faster way. In this project, the act digital team worked on coding billing projects.
The project developed by the act digital team was created for one of the leading multinational companies in the automotive sector. It is a business conglomerate that encompasses some of the most renowned brands in the industry. Present in more than 30 countries, the company has a global reach, operating in more than 130 markets.
Leading advances in mobility, the group has increasingly incorporated technologies into its processes and products. It has stood out in the digital transformation process. In Brazil, the company has turned to innovations to incorporate solutions that increase the efficiency of its processes, qualify the consumer experience, and enhance its competitiveness in the market.
In the realm of social and environmental responsibility, the company has committed to sustainability and a management process internationally recognized for strengthening diversity in the corporate environment.
With different brands under its command, the company needed a system capable of absorbing processes related to billing and registration of vehicles manufactured by two of its manufacturers. The focus was to establish an efficient mechanism, similar to what is already in operation for some factories within the group. Essentially, the solution needed to:
The act digital team worked on the coding of billing projects and collaborated with another technology company on this project.
The developed solution consists of four fundamental mechanisms:
Recognition of the manufacturer responsible for the vehicle registration Generation of information related to billing and registration of automobiles Integration with government systems Transmission of data to the government
In developing the coding that made the solution viable, the act digital team adopted:
Although generating and transmitting information about billing and vehicle registration is a routine practice for the company, lack of alignment hinders the overall efficiency of the group’s operations. By correcting inefficiencies limited to two of the brands within the conglomerate, the solution helped the company standardize its processes.
The main achieved objectives include:
Technology has empowered the transformation of mobility, advancing toward a future marked by high connectivity, intensive data usage, accessibility, and security. In this context of great prospects for the sector, act digital has developed a broad set of solutions to address the major challenges faced by the industry.
We have specialized professionals who understand the market and master innovation processes, seeking agility and efficiency in all projects. In this journey, our squads have assisted major companies in the sector in incorporating resources and innovations that cover aspects such as:
Using agile methods, we develop innovative and efficient solutions, managing projects end-to-end: from diagnosis to results.
The standardization of processes, essential for the automotive industry, ensures productivity gains and efficiency for companies with different business fronts. Do you want to improve your organization’s competitiveness? Talk to the act digital team.
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