Company improves analytical capacity with Looker

Platform automates, centralizes and optimizes data analysis-related processes


One of Brazil's largest telecommunications operators was facing difficulties in analyzing the performance of customer relationship campaigns, a process that was carried out manually, causing inefficiency and wasting the company's time and resources.


To help the company face this challenge, act digital has developed an automated system that centralizes data and generates daily reports, enabling agile and efficient monitoring of campaigns.


The tool reduced data processing time from one week to one day, optimizing processes, increasing team efficiency, mitigating errors and improving the company's analytical capacity.

Maintaining a close and effective relationship with customers is fundamental to the sustainability and growth of any company. In this context, customer relationship campaigns, known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), have gained prominence by facilitating the management and analysis of interactions with customers throughout their life cycle. The objectives of these actions are to improve satisfaction, increase retention and, consequently, boost sales.

The effectiveness of CRM campaigns depends largely on the company's ability to monitor and analyze performance data quickly and accurately. Frequent monitoring allows strategies to be adjusted quickly, ensuring that marketing actions are always relevant and effective. However, manually analyzing this data can be extremely laborious and take up valuable time for the teams involved.

This was the reality faced by a major telephone operator in Brazil, which adopted a manual process for collecting and consolidating data on CRM campaigns. As a result, the team was only able to assess the performance of the actions through weekly reports, which made it difficult to respond quickly to market needs. The problem was solved with the support of act digital, which developed an automated system to centralize information and generate daily reports, improving the company's efficiency in campaign management.

Customer: Leader in 4G coverage and 5G innovation

The telecommunications operator that hired act digital to develop an automated system for monitoring campaigns is the leader in 4G coverage in Brazil. It has also innovated in the adoption of the 5G network. The company currently has approximately 180,000 km of optical fiber throughout Brazil.

With a mobile base of more than 60 million users and around 30,000 sites (base stations, where the antennas are installed), the operator stands out for its leadership in technological innovation. In the market, it stands out for constantly seeking ways to improve the efficiency, capacity and coverage of its network in order to offer better services to its customers.

Challenge: Inefficiency in reviewing marketing actions

The difficulties faced by the telecommunications operator involved inefficiency in reviewing customer relationship campaigns. The manual process of collecting and consolidating data was time-consuming and required the collaboration of several teams. As a result, campaign results could only be evaluated using weekly reports. This approach prevented a quick and effective response to ongoing marketing actions.

In addition, the information was scattered across different systems and formats, which made it difficult to analyze it accurately and make decisions. Another problem arising from this context was the risk of manual errors and the need to allocate several people to collect and process information on the performance of marketing actions.

Solution: Automated campaign control system

Faced with this challenge, the company needed a solution that would centralize data and automate the reporting process, allowing an integrated and immediate view of campaign performance. The project's objectives therefore included:

  • Centralize campaign data on one platform;

  • Automate the collection and consolidation of information;

  • Provide daily reports to enable quick and accurate analysis;

  • Improve responsiveness to marketing needs.

Considering these objectives and the company's specific reality, the act digital team developed a customized system to meet the company's needs.

Methodology used

The methodological approach involved the creation of integrated databases, initially filled out in Excel by the areas responsible for triggering the campaigns. Data were then stored in Google Drive, enabling it to be read by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). With all the databases automated, generating reports in Looker became a continuous and efficient task.

Technologies used

- Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Data storage and processing;

- Looker: Creation of dashboards and dynamic reports;

- Excel and Google Drive: Initial data collection and organization;

- Code programming: Automation of data integration and analysis processes.

Results: automated control and management system

The implementation of the automated system has improved the company's analytical capacity and made data analysis processes more agile.

- Agility and efficiency: The main change was the reduction in the time needed to process and access information on campaigns, which went from a week to a single day;

- Daily analysis: Reports are now generated the day after the campaigns are fired, allowing daily monitoring of the performance of the actions;

- Saving resources: Teams that were previously dedicated to processing information can now focus on strategic tasks instead of repetitive data collection and consolidation activities;

- Improved decision-making: With access to accurate and up-to-date data, marketing strategies can be established and revised with greater accuracy.

How we can help your company

Digital technologies are transforming the way telecommunications companies operate, especially in the management of customer relationship campaigns. Efficient process automation and data centralization may significantly increase the agility and accuracy of campaign analysis, providing valuable insights and enabling quick adjustments to marketing strategies. At act digital, we understand the specific challenges of your sector and develop tailor-made solutions that improve operational efficiency and responsiveness.

Our expertise includes the implementation of automated systems that integrate various data channels into a unified platform, facilitating the generation of daily reports and the visualization of information on interactive dashboards. We work in partnership with your Information Technology (IT) team to ensure that all the necessary tools are integrated efficiently. With our solutions, we help your company save time, reduce costs and make more accurate decisions, keeping it competitive in the ever-evolving market.

Improve your company's analytical capacity with act digital's solutions. Get in touch with our team and let's optimize your processes together.

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