Improved management of service operations increases efficiency in telecommunications

Telephone operator has improved interactions with partners, improving service delivery and problem resolution times for end customers


Managing calls to partners (local providers) was a critical point in the operation of one of Brazil's largest telephone operators. The problem had a negative impact on Average Response Time (ART) and, therefore, on customer satisfaction. Inefficiency in the processes for starting and updating calls resulted in an inability to meet demands as quickly as expected.


In response to these challenges, act digital was hired to manage the project for service operations management. The focus was on restructuring the call management process, improving communication and efficiency in interactions with partners. Actions included improving the opening of calls, speeding up updates and implementing a management model that favored agility and precision in resolutions.


The restructuring of processes and management brought the expected results, even against a backdrop of an increase in calls. The time taken to open calls, which often reached three hours, was reduced to 30 minutes, a level that has remained stable despite the higher volume of demands, with no need to increase investment in the area (with technology or people).

In the dynamic telecommunications sector, efficient call handling and prompt problem resolution are components that define the quality of the service offered, especially when it comes to interaction with business partners and service providers. Customer satisfaction and an operator's ability to effectively meet demands thus become competitive differentiators.

Identifying the need to improve call management for partners, one of the main telephone operators in Brazil found that the processes for opening and following up calls from local providers were slow to resolve problems, negatively affecting the customer experience.

Faced with this scenario, the operator decided to implement the project aiming at transforming the way calls were managed. This strategic move was not just about solving specific problems, but about redefining the standard of service and support, aligning internal processes with the expectations and needs of its corporate customers.

The project was designed to bring a systemic approach to problem solving, integrating teams, optimizing processes, and implementing advanced monitoring and communication tools. Through this work conducted by a specialized team from act digital, the operator succeeded in achieving significant results, turning challenges into opportunities for improvement, optimization and, above all, strengthening customer satisfaction.

Customer: strategic partnerships and service excellence

The telephone operator that hired act digital is a pioneer in the telecommunications sector, standing out for its deployment of the 4G network and the introduction of 5G technology in Brazil. This position in the market is the result of a robust collaboration network with local suppliers and partners, which are fundamental to maintaining and expanding its coverage and quality of service throughout the country.

Serving a diversified base of more than 60 million customers, the operator has an extensive fiber optic infrastructure covering around 180,000 kilometers throughout Brazil. This network not only supports the provision of high quality telecommunications services, but also reflects the synergy with local suppliers and partners, essential for continuous growth and innovation in the sector.

Creative background, a man's hand holds a phone with a 5G hologram on the background of the city. 5G network concept, high speed mobile internet, new generation networks. Mixed media

Challenge: complexity in managing calls and delays in resolution

The main challenge faced by the telephone operator in the project was the inefficient management of calls to partners and suppliers, a process marked by complexity and slowness in triggering local providers. The inefficiency of these interactions resulted in a high ART, damaging the company's operations and the customer experience.

In this setting, the main need was to find a solution that would optimize the opening, monitoring and updating of calls to partners. The search for this solution involved a review of existing procedures and the implementation of a strategy that would centralize interactions in an agile way, establishing a more cohesive and effective workflow.

Solution: integrated strategy in call management

The solution implemented for the project involved a strategic approach to addressing the challenges faced in managing calls to partners and suppliers. The project was led by a specialized team from act digital, which promoted a more agile and efficient operation.

Strategies adopted

- Leadership and team management: the team dedicated to the project was coordinated by a manager specialized in the area, who directed the activities to solve the flaws in the interaction with transmission partners and suppliers.

- Relationship management: one of the priorities was to establish and maintain a productive relationship with other operators and partners. This involved negotiating and collaborating to effectively resolve flaws, and establishing appropriate communication channels to improve call management.

- Continuous process improvement: the team constantly evaluated processes to identify opportunities for optimization. Reviewing and adjusting the existing procedures allowed implementing more effective practices.

- Root cause analysis and action plans: the team applied root cause analysis methodologies to identify the factors that led to flaws. Based on these analyses, targeted action plans were developed and implemented to prevent similar problems from recurring in the future.

- Automation and technological improvements: the team also worked to propose improvements to the automation of the area's procedures and processes. This initiative was aimed at increasing operational efficiency, reducing response times and increasing the team's ability to manage a high volume of calls with greater precision.

Results: efficiency and agility for premium clients

The project achieved results that reflect the success of the strategies implemented. The solution led to improvements in performance indicators and promoted greater alignment of processes between the operator and its local partners (providers).

Main achievements

- Reduction in the overall time taken to open calls: the restructuring of processes resulted in a reduction in the time taken to open calls, which used to take up to three hours, to an average of 30 minutes. This improvement was observed even with an increase in the number of calls, evidencing the effectiveness of the process optimizations and technological innovations implemented.

- Increase in the percentage of calls opened quickly: in the first evaluation period following the project implementation, an increase of 19 percentage points was recorded in the number of calls opened with providers in less than 30 minutes.

- Performance gain: there was also an increase of 7 percentage points in the area's performance due to the work done to make teams aware of the importance of performance indicators, and the need for continuous improvement.

The indicators monitored reaffirm the agility promoted by the process restructuring, positively impacting customer service.

How we can help your company

Interactions with suppliers and business partners are part of the daily life of telecommunications and media companies, determining the quality of the service provided to customers. Ensuring alignment between these operations is a challenge that requires innovative solutions and effective methodologies. The project described, developed by act digital, is an example of how well thought-out strategies can transform call management processes, raising the standard of service in telecommunications.

At act digital, we are committed to digital transformation and process optimization, focusing on delivering results and continuously improving processes. Our team, specialized in telecommunications and media, employs a customer-centric approach to develop solutions that meet your specific needs.

Is your company's service operations management efficient? Learn more about the project. Contact the experts at act digital.

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