Risk map portal optimizes operational management at telephone company

Tool created by act digital facilitates the mapping of threats that could compromise the provision of mobile and fixed network services


The complexity of the system used to control operational risks was the problem faced by one of Brazil's leading telephone operators. The critical points mapped out by the technical teams were recorded in Excel spreadsheets, requiring each of the regional offices to calculate them individually to further consolidate and analyze the data. In this scenario, there was a concern about information inconsistency, as well as the excessive time spent filling in, checking and correcting the spreadsheets.


With a focus on eliminating inefficiencies in processes, increasing the accuracy of information and facilitating the use of data on a daily basis, the act digital team developed the Risk Map Portal, a system that is available on the company's Intranet. The tool automates processes and integrity checks, avoiding errors when entering data. Another feature is the centralization of information, which can be easily accessed, including to consult the history of previous years. The system enables data to be entered at the same time, facilitating consolidation, analysis and management activities.


The Risk Map Portal is in its initial phase of adoption, and should achieve the main expected results after one year of implementation. In a test environment, an 80% reduction in errors when filling in information, a 30% reduction in working time and a 100% gain in data consolidation were observed.

The quality of the telephone network in the telecommunications segment directly affects the level of service provided to consumers, requiring proactive action by operators to avoid failures and interruptions. This work consists of mapping risks in order to identify and correct critical points, i.e., activities that depend on accurate and constantly updated information. Any failure to record this data jeopardizes the entire operation, generating rework and compromising the speed with which problems are solved.

Depending on the tool used to enter, consolidate and analyze the data, these procedures can become excessively complex. The situation faced by a major telephone operator illustrates the problem: the company used Excel spreadsheets to record information related to the operational risk map. Each of the company's regional offices filled in an individualized spreadsheet to tabulate the risks identified in their area of operation. Then the information from all the regional offices had to be consolidated.

The use of Excel spreadsheets to record and consolidate the risk map information presented a number of problems and limitations. As it was a manual process, problems with inconsistencies and data loss were common. In addition, the spreadsheets did not provide an integrated and up-to-date view of the risks across the entire operation, hindering analysis and decision-making. Another negative aspect was the lack of standardization and control of information, which was scattered in different files and formats. This situation led to inefficiency and reduced confidence in the data being analyzed.

Faced with these difficulties, the operator enlisted the support of a specialized team from act digital to create a Risk Map Portal. It is a system accessed via the Intranet, allowing regional offices to simultaneously enter and update data. The portal also enables the automatic consolidation of information from all regional offices, and offers dashboards that facilitate analysis. The change has made processes more efficient, and increased the accuracy of information. Find out in detail how this project was developed and the results achieved.

Engineer holding a mobile phone with telecommunication antenna and sunset background

Customer: operator with the largest 4G coverage in Brazil

The Risk Map Portal was developed by act digital for a telephone operator that is the market leader in Brazil. The company serves more than 60 million customers throughout Brazil, and offers the widest 4G coverage in the market and was one of the pioneers in implementing 5G. It also has an extensive fiber optic network, which stretches for around 180,000 kilometers.

Subject to the sector's regulations, the company is committed to providing services that meet the required level of quality. To that, it needs to continuously invest in operational improvements, and is tasked with correcting as quickly as possible problems that could result in interruptions to the supply of services. Proactive management of operational risks is essential to minimize the impact of incidents and, preferably, prevent the occurrence of flaws that could harm customer satisfaction.

Challenge: inconsistencies and rework related to risk mapping

Data on critical situations are essential for company managers to draw up action plans and make better decisions, such as investments that should be prioritized to mitigate the occurrence of network flaws. However, the company faced a number of problems when it came to recording, analyzing and controlling the risks identified by the technical teams.

The difficulties stemmed mainly from the system adopted to keep track of this information. Data were recorded on Excel spreadsheets, in which each regional office detailed the risks identified in the technical mapping. This information covers situations with the potential to generate systemic failures - for example, the lack of adequate air conditioning in a specific network equipment.

The data gathered in the spreadsheets are checked annually and, based on these assessments, priority actions are established. As the information was entered manually at each regional office, the process became inaccurate and inefficient. Among the errors resulting from this scenario are:

  • data inconsistencies;
  • rework and loss of efficiency;
  • low productivity and excessive time spent on tasks;
  • difficulty in verifying and consolidating data.

Solution: Risk Map Portal to improve operational management

Considering the challenge faced by the company, the act digital team proposed the creation of a Risk Map Portal, a system more in line with the routine of the operational area in terms of risk mapping. Following were the objectives set for this project:

  • centralization of the information associated with the Risk Map, with the possibility of consulting the history of previous years;
  • automation and data integrity checks to prevent incomplete or improper filling in of information;
  • greater agility and efficiency in consolidating information;
  • simultaneous consultation and filling in of information by different users.

All these demands were considered when developing the platform. In general, covering all these points would provide the client with a tool that would facilitate processes and improve the system for controlling information on operational risks.

Technologies and methodologies used

  • Python (Django) and its libraries;
  • Virtual Machine (on the company's internal network);
  • Scrum methodology, to maintain an active dialog with the client after the several stages have been completed.

Results: reduction in failures and inefficiencies

The premium customer service area, by integrating mobile and fixed network support, provided the right approach for the large telephony service contracts.

Results achieved

In a test environment, the following results were found:

- 80% reduction in filling errors: the tool avoids information errors in an automated way, using pre-established verification criteria;

- 30% reduction in the time spent on activities: the work carried out by managers and their teams is analytical; even so, it efficiency in execution time could be improved through resources that make it easier to enter, check and correct data in the system;

- 100% gain in data consolidation: as the platform centralizes and integrates all information databases, data is now automatically consolidated and made available.

How we can help your company

The alignment between processes, technological resources and strategic vision is what sets act digital apart. Our specialized teams are attentive to these factors to develop solutions focused on generating relevant results for companies of all segments and sizes.

Founded in 2011, act digital is a Brazilian consultancy that operates globally, with more than 4,700 employees and offices in 12 countries, covering South America, North America, Europe and Africa.

Our approach involves creating solutions together with our clients, considering the reality of each company. When developing projects, we incorporate the best technologies and methods, always in an agile, safe and analytical manner. We also seek to promote gains in scale, using automation and digitalization resources that keep pace with the main technological trends.

Do you need a tailored and efficient solution to improve data management in your company? Contact the experts at act digital..

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