System Improves Security Incident Communication

Telecom operator accelerates property security procedures with a tool that reduces team activation time


One of Brazil’s leading telecommunications operators faced challenges in monitoring risks at infrastructure installations, such as transmission antennas. The challenge involved slow incident communication to the security department, responsible for addressing vandalism and equipment theft. Information about these issues was relayed via phone, causing delays in notifications.


In response, the act digital team developed a tool for the company that improved interaction between departments, speeding up incident communication to the security sector. The tool enables quick and digital notifications, with alerts on the corrective action panel.


With the implementation of this security incident communication tool, the company completely transformed its information procedures, eliminating 100% of phone contacts. Incident notifications are now directly exchanged between systems, ensuring faster procedures.

In the telecommunications sector, monitoring infrastructure installations is crucial to ensure service delivery to clients. Among the areas that require attention are the so-called sites, locations that encompass critical structures like transmission antennas. This equipment is occasionally affected by vandalism, theft, and other incidents that require immediate investigation. In this context, any disruption needs to be swiftly verified.

Communication plays a key role in these procedures. Depending on the contact methods between teams, the efficiency of the involved areas can be accelerated or compromised in terms of response time. The situation tends to be more critical when there are limitations in communication channels, such as conventional telephones, which require real-time interaction for messages to be transmitted. In other words, there must be people and available lines simultaneously for incident notification to occur.

As a standard procedure, one of Brazil’s major telecommunications operators stipulates that the property security area must be immediately notified in cases of network failure. This department is responsible for dispatching professionals to conduct necessary checks. With over 10,000 sites managed across Brazil, the company identified that the activation time was excessively long, stemming from the telephone-based communication process.

To make notifications more practical and swift, the operator enlisted the support of act digital, which digitized the communication process, completely eliminating the telephone as a contact channel. The team developed a tool integrated into the company’s system, facilitating interaction between different departments and dispensing with phone contact. The solution comprises a module added to the security sector’s intranet, through which incidents are communicated. Incident alerts now arrive instantaneously via the monitoring dashboard, enabling prompt team responses.


Client: Telecom Operator Experiencing Rapid Growth in Brazil

Recognized as the fastest-growing telecommunications operator in Brazil, the company stands out for its technological innovation. Its services are available in all Brazilian cities, necessitating a proactive and strategic approach to infrastructure. Hence, the team has a dedicated security department responsible for responding to network interruptions. The property security department manages risks across more than 10,000 sites in Brazil, where transmission antennas are installed. The speed of this work is related to resolving supply problems for clients and the quality of services provided.

Challenge: Slow Communication of Security Incidents

One of the primary challenges faced by the property security team was the excessive time taken to receive alerts about disruptions at sites where infrastructure equipment like transmission networks is installed. These locations can be targeted by vandalism, theft, or other events that disrupt telecommunications services. Consequently, the teams must act as soon as possible to identify and resolve the issue.

The company found that the communication delay stemmed from the interaction channel used, via telephony. As a result, the operations department would contact the property security department by phone to report incidents. However, this step in the process was often very time-consuming, with alerts taking up to an hour to reach the responsible department.

In light of this situation, the operator sought support from act digital to implement new procedures and tools aimed at speeding up communication between the involved areas.

Solution: Systematization of Communication Processes

Considering the challenges faced by the company, the act digital team sought to systematize communication processes between operational and security areas. The focus of this effort was to establish an efficient mechanism for notifying and activating the property security department, responsible for investigating network disruptions.

The proposed solution to optimize communication between operational and security areas involves integrating existing systems using a module in the intranet. The tool was developed using PHP with the Laravel framework to provide an automated interface that facilitates incident notifications and responses.

When a problem or incident (such as vandalism or theft) is detected in the transmission antenna areas, it is immediately logged in the operational system, triggering an alarm to the PSIM (Physical Security Information Management), which initiates a prompt response from the department.

Technologies Used

  • Development Language and API: PHP – Laravel

Result: Agile and Efficient Communication

By systematizing communication procedures between operational and property security areas, the company gained agility and efficiency, improvements that impact service delivery to clients.

Advantages of the Solution

  • Agility: significantly reduces the time to communicate incidents to the security team, avoiding delays associated with manual phone calls;
  • Automation: eliminates the need for phone calls by automating notifications via the intranet;
  • Integration: the API created using PHP and Laravel allows seamless integration between operational systems and the security module.

Achieved Result

  • 100% Elimination of Calls: The main result achieved was the complete elimination of phone interactions between departments, leading to faster incident notifications.

How We Can Help Your Company

act digital has a consistent presence in the telecommunications sector, developing solutions aligned with the challenges faced by companies in this industry. We have a team of experts who combine agile processes with advanced technologies, aiming to ensure the best results.

In the midst of the accelerated digital transformation process, our professionals are focused on creating tailor-made solutions that support our clients’ projects and strategies, with a focus on:

  • Digital journey development;
  • Process and data security;
  • API and Applications.

Automated and integrated communication can revolutionize any process. Get in touch with our team and find out how we can help your company become more efficient.

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