Ingredients for an AI Strategy

How to Boost Competitiveness in a Constantly Evolving Market

Despite the title suggesting a ready-made recipe for success, an AI strategy requires the combination of various elements tailored to the specific industry. Quality data, algorithms and language models, infrastructure, governance, and people—these are the key components we will cover as we share insights from the discussion at Febraban Tech 2024. Our panel featured Frédéric Martineau, CTO of act digital, André Mattos, CDO of Banco BMG, Mariana Assumpção, Open Finance Coordinator at Banco BV, Rafael Fernandes, IT Superintendent at Bradesco; and was moderated by Déborah Oliveira, Content Director at IT Forum.

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From left to right: Rafael Fernandes, André Mattos, Frédéric Martineau, Mariana Assumpção, and Déborah Oliveira

Throughout the panel, the participants shared their visions and experiences on driving digital transformation and innovation while keeping the company competitive in a constantly changing market. André Mattos remarked that “there is no AI without a robust data structure. The success of an AI strategy lies in aligning with business needs, ensuring data quality, and maintaining governance, which are crucial factors for ensuring ethics and responsibility in data usage.”

Painel Febraban Tech

Our CTO, Frédéric Martineau, added that, besides easy access, executive leadership plays a fundamental role in promoting a data-driven culture. “Leadership must set an example and invest in technology and training, breaking down silos between departments and democratizing access to data,” he explained.

In line with a solid data structure, Mariana Assumpção emphasized the importance of a scalable and governed platform. “It’s crucial that data access is easy for analysts,” she stated.

Easy access to data must not compromise information security. When asked about balancing data organization with privacy and ethics, Rafael Fernandes asserted that the responsibility for AI behavior lies with them. He explained that at Bradesco, AI undergoes rigorous testing to avoid inappropriate interactions, with security and privacy being top priorities. “We need to ensure that AI does not leave gaps for malicious access,” he emphasized.

The discussion yielded many more insights, and you can watch the full panel on YouTube by clicking the video below:

If you want to learn more about how we can help your company achieve business results, get in touch with us.

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