Performance Data Solutions

Are you using your data storage in the best way?

Considered a solution to improve the performance of information processing/storage, cloud computing came to optimize infrastructure, security and performance.

Driven by companies in the financial sector due to the open banking modality in Brazil and by the service segments, such as health, for this year, the expectation is that investment in the cloud will increase by 20%, according to Public Cloud - Services & Solutions Brazil 2021 (launched in December last year by ISG Provider Lens).

It is crucial to think about the investment when purchasing cloud storage (or Cloud, as it is also known). Many companies simply adopt the model in order to save costs by not needing a physical CPU (Central Processing Unit), but forget to evaluate the capacity of the servers and monitor the size of the cloud, since the payment is made by capacity (for example, 1 Terabyte — unit of measurement of data storage space).

“We have already implemented optimization solutions for customers — data management — in order to monitor whether the investment in the cloud is being profitable. Often, companies do not keep track of how much storage the Cloud uses and not even when it increases the cost, because the greater the need for space in the cloud, the more you will pay for it,” says Flávio Nicomedes, commercial manager at act digital with a background in data processing and an MBA in IT management.

Another important point is that, when deciding to use storage via the Cloud, it is necessary to sustain the data in a secure way and, therefore, it is necessary to bet on a good infrastructure and capable servers, comments Flávio.

If you still don’t know the best data storage solution for your company, look for act digital. We are here to help with digital transformation.

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