Technology as an ally of the Bioeconomy

The bioeconomy already accounts for around 2 trillion euros in the global market and generates approximately 22 million jobs worldwide

Bioeconomy is a new model of economic development emerging to address one of the most pressing issues in today’s production landscape: the preservation of biodiversity and the regeneration of biomes, reducing inequalities, waste, and the scarcity of natural resources. These resources are now more than ever considered economic assets with ample business opportunities. By quantifying the economic value of biodiversity, it is possible to propose public policies that promote its conservation and create a development model that generates social and economic benefits.

According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the bioeconomy already accounts for around 2 trillion euros in the global market and generates approximately 22 million jobs worldwide. In Brazil, the study Identification of Opportunities and the Potential Impact of Bioeconomy on Decarbonization, organized by the Brazilian Association of Bioinnovation, indicates that the sector could generate an annual industrial revenue of $284 billion by 2050.

In this scenario, technology plays a crucial role in promoting and advancing the bioeconomy. It contributes to making the use of biological resources more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective while opening up opportunities for innovation in a variety of sectors, from agriculture to health and the chemical industry.

In the 2022 edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27), for example, the primary focus of discussions revolved around moving from negotiation to planning and implementing sustainability initiatives. One of these initiatives emphasizes that companies will intensify the foundation of their decisions by analyzing data from suppliers, supply chains, market demand, and environmental impact, enabling more conscious and sustainable choices regarding products, materials, transportation, and other areas. As a result, the consumption chain will be impacted, and valuable information for decision-making such as process optimization, energy efficiency, and environmental management are just a few of the advantages of combining green technology with artificial intelligence and effective data use.

The strategies and practices of the bioeconomy are present in international frameworks like the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Particularly highlighted, especially in the context of companies and organizations seeking to incorporate sustainable and responsible practices, is the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). In the environmental aspect, this involves the use of biological resources, living organisms, and biological systems. Companies must consider the use of technologies for the sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, minimizing environmental impacts, reducing carbon emissions, and responsible land and water use.

The transition to a sustainable bioeconomy involves the use of digital solutions to optimize social, economic, and environmental processes and operations, including sensors, data analysis, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), among others. These technologies enable authentication, traceability, processing, analysis, and evaluation of information with a focus on increasing the quality and efficiency of resource utilization.

Here are some areas where technology plays a crucial role in advancing the bioeconomy:

- Advanced Biotechnology - Technology has enabled significant advancements in this field, making it possible to genetically modify organisms to enhance food, medicines, bioplastics, and biofuels production. This increases the efficiency and quality of bioeconomy products.

- Data Science and Analysis - Advanced data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are used to process large volumes of biological data, aiding in more precise decision-making in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and other bioeconomy sectors.

- Environmental Monitoring - Technologies like remote sensors and geographic information systems (GIS) enable real-time environmental monitoring, helping track sustainable natural resource use and biodiversity conservation.

- Advanced Manufacturing - Manufacturing technology, including 3D printing and conversion processes, is used to transform biological raw materials into products like biodegradable plastics or biofuels.

- Automation and Robotics - Applied in agriculture and food production, they improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity.

- Genetic Sequencing - Next-generation genetic sequencing technology has made genome mapping more accessible, accelerating research in molecular biology and genetics, with applications in crop improvement and genetically modified organism creation.

- Clean Energy Technologies - The bioeconomy also benefits from clean energy technologies, such as converting agricultural and forestry waste into biofuels or biogas, contributing to sustainable energy production.

- Blockchain and Traceability - Used to trace the origin and quality of bioeconomy products, increasing transparency and reliability in production systems.

To conclude, we invite you to read our predictive analysis content, an approach that helps companies make predictions about future events or trends based on historical data and identified patterns. This practice allows organizations to optimize resources and increase efficiency, making products and services sustainable. If you need a team of experts to develop innovative solutions to ensure the sustainability of your business, rely on act digital. Contact us, and let’s make an impact on the world together.

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