New Phase: Web 3.0

New Phase: Web 3.0

The internet 3.0 era has arrived: more decentralized, less dependent on big techs, and capable of giving users control over their own data. This term emerged in discussions in 2006 on blogs and technology events and has recently surfaced. To understand the main changes of the eras on the web, read on.

Web 1.0

When: It started in the late 1980s and lasted until 2000.

What happened: The creation of the World Wide Web (WWW), a document system that gives users access to multimedia content. The creator was physicist and computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. The pages were static with a lot of text and few images. Users were passive consumers and could only read information without interacting. Large technology companies were created at that time to “organize” published content, such as Google and Yahoo.

Web 2.0

When: From the 2000s.

What happened: Chat apps, such as MSN and mIRC, blogs, and social networks became popular: the birth of Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Web 2.0 brought billions of users onto the Internet. The main services, such as search engines and social media platforms, were left in the hands of large technology conglomerates.

Web 3.0

When: It’s coming... place your bet.

Characteristics: This new digital era is being built little by little with the help of innovative technologies, mainly blockchain and cryptocurrencies, which dispense with traditional trust validators (companies, governments, among others).

As regular internet users, we are daily fueling and contributing to the transformation of the cyber journey. Web 3.0 must overcome cultural barriers and cybersecurity practices. Let’s follow this evolution together.

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