SmartPOS Terminal: Innovation in Payment Solutions

Prototype, developed by act digital, delivers usability, agility, functionality, and intelligence for management at point of sale


The main challenge faced by the company was to develop a prototype for the new SmartPOS terminal, the brand’s intelligent point of sale machine. The project required a deep understanding of user needs to modernize the interface and usability of the terminal.


The act digital team worked together with the Product Design team and the marketing department of the financial institution. An extensive user satisfaction survey was conducted, followed by the development of a high-fidelity prototype using tools like Figma and Adobe After Effects.


The terminal stood out for its speed, intelligence, design, and usability adapted to a wide range of users. The performance of the developed product sets a new standard for future brand innovations


The payment terminal market is highly competitive and increasingly dominated by technological innovation. This leads to a continuous revolution in payment solutions, driven by the growing demand for efficiency, security, and convenience. In this context, a significant Brazilian financial institution identified the need to modernize its SmartPOS terminal. act digital was involved in developing a high-fidelity prototype for this project.

The SmartPOS terminal represents a significant evolution in payment methods. Its importance lies in its ability to integrate various essential commerce functions into a single agile and secure platform. Today, financial transactions are becoming more digital, and consumers seek fast and uncomplicated payment processes. Thus, innovation in payment terminal design and functionality becomes strategic for brands.

In this project, our team worked on developing a modern, intuitive, and adaptable prototype for different users. The team combined user satisfaction surveys, interface modernization, and high-fidelity prototype development to enhance the payment experience of the SmartPOS terminal.

Client: Financial cooperativism expanding access to payment solutions

The financial institution that partners with act digital in the development of its new SmartPOS terminal operates under the cooperative model. The system consists of hundreds of financial cooperatives, present in all Brazilian states. Through this operation, the group has achieved a prominent position among the best financial institutions in Brazil.

With a comprehensive infrastructure, the group offers a complete portfolio of financial products and services. Among the solutions offered, the SmartPOS terminal stands out, as it provides competitive rates and accepts major card brands, supporting a variety of payment options including debit, credit, installment, vouchers, prepaid cards, and installment plans. The terminal’s functionality is enhanced by accepting magnetic stripe, chip, or contactless (NFC) cards, making it versatile and accessible for merchants.

Challenge: Creating a prototype for the new SmartPOS terminal

The main challenge in this project was to develop a high-fidelity prototype for the new SmartPOS terminal that could meet user expectations. To achieve these goals, the act digital team needed to address some key points, such as:

  • Understanding in-depth the preferences, behaviors, and needs of end users;
  • Conducting a detailed satisfaction survey to collect feedback necessary for project execution;
  • Updating the payment terminal interface to make it more modern, efficient, and user-friendly;
  • Creating a complete and high-fidelity prototype that would serve as a detailed reference for the development of the new SmartPOS terminal.

Solution: Redefining usability and interface on the SmartPOS terminal

The act digital team played a central role as product designers in creating the prototype of the new SmartPOS terminal. The project was guided by a comprehensive discovery process, which involved identifying and defining product functionalities and specifications.


The development process was guided by a methodology focused on interactive design and user feedback. Initially, User Stories (US) and Wireframes were created, which served as the basis for structuring and developing the prototype.


The main technologies used in developing the prototype were:

  • Figma: used for interface design and prototyping;
  • Adobe After Effects: applied for animations and visual enhancements.

The combination of these technologies, along with a user-centered methodology, resulted in a high-fidelity prototype aligned with the brand essence.

Results: Innovation and efficiency in the POS market

The SmartPOS terminal prototype met the demands presented and exceeded user expectations. Here are the key features of the designed system:

- Speed and intelligence of the terminal The device was optimized to process transactions more quickly, reducing wait times for users and increasing efficiency in business operations.

- Attractive design and enhanced usability

The terminal’s design reflects the brand’s visual identity. Furthermore, usability was enhanced with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, adapted to meet the needs of a wide range of users, including those with visual impairments.

- User satisfaction

The combination of speed, intelligence, design, and usability made it an attractive solution for both merchants and consumers, strengthening the company’s position as an innovative leader in the market.

How We Can Help Your Company

In the financial sector, the race for digital innovation and the need for agile and secure solutions are constant. Our approach combines agility and innovative technologies to develop customized products and services that meet specific demands of our clients. Our teams of specialized professionals are prepared to assist your company in advancing the digital transformation agenda. Here are some of our solutions!

- Digital platforms: We create customized digital platforms that ease the transition to digital, ensuring efficient integration aligned with your financial institution’s business objectives.

- Legacy system modernization: We help modernize and integrate legacy systems with innovative technologies, ensuring that your infrastructure is ready for the demands of the current and future market.

**- Data and operations security: **Security is a central aspect in all our solutions. We focus on protecting data and operations, ensuring that every transition to new platforms is secure and reliable.

- Development of APIs and customized applications: We design and implement customized APIs and applications that optimize operations, enhance customer interaction, and boost data analysis.

- Digital channel enablement: We empower financial institutions to adapt and thrive across digital channels through new operational models and end-to-end solutions.

Competitiveness in the financial market demands increasingly agile, functional, and innovative solutions. Prototyping, such as the SmartPOS, is an essential part of the innovation process in the sector. We are prepared to help your company advance in digital transformation. Reach out to the act digital team.

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